Muscle Flex

  3/24/2025 - 5/30/2025
  Mo, We, Fr
  8:30 AM - 9:00 AM
  David DeMarie Dance Studio, 10151 Main St., Clarence
  Sheila's Fitness Jam

CLICK HERE to Register for this Class


Challenge every muscle group in just 30 minutes! Strength training is an essential part of any balanced workout. This is a group weight-training program "choreographed" to music that takes the drudgery out of lifting weights. Muscle Flex tones muscles, increase strength, improves bone density AND increase your metabolism. This program is just the answer to adding strength training to your exercise regime. The best part is, it’s a fun AND it works! You will need an 8-14# body bar or two 4-7# dumbbells. Choice of 20 classes (WS25-WFLEX20 - Winter Session or WS25-SFLEX20 - Spring Session), 30 classes (WS25-WFLEX30 - Winter Session or WS25-SFLEX30 - Spring Session) or Zoom only classes (WS25-FLEXZOOM). Make course number selection in registration process.